Prize Redemption Game:Double Barber Cutting Master Të zgjedhura
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New Luxury Double Barber Cutting Master Prize Game Machine|USA Popular Prize Redemption Game(sales@hominggame.com)

http://www.hominggame.com/show_Product_en.asp?ID=353 Our HomingGame Barber Cutting Master Prize Arcade Game Released on December,2017 ,A new skill game, is for the old barber cut prize game upgarde version, luxury LED cabinet, double players,can hange on more prize,and more fun.let the players can competitve together at the same time. a really skill game. More anticipated luxury prize waiting for you.Such as Iphone,Ipad,Camera etc. Don't wait,Hurry up to cut !!! Players use the two control buttons to try to make the automated scissors cut the string that holds the prize of their choice, which releases the prize. Anyone can understand and play this game on their first try, making it a hit for all ages !
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Publikuar 7 year ago
Kategori Video / Prize Game Machine
Tagsbarber cut prize game machine prize game machine cut prize game machine cut string prize game machine prize redemption game machine indoor game machine entertainment game machine famliy entertainment slot game machine prize vending machin vending game machine gaming machine key prize game machine key push game machine crane machine calw game machine winner cube prize game machine prize redemption game redemption game machine slot game games game zoon game machine hominggame homing game gametube.hk gametube