Earn Money Fishing Game Machine | Ocean King 3 Plus Deep Fish Hunter Featured
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100% earn money fishing game machine | ocean king 3 plus Master of Deep fish hunter arcade game table gambling game machine
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●Software : original system version;
● Games: original games board;
● Jackpot Function: supported;
● Bill Acceptor & Tickets Printer: supported;
● Players: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 players;
● Monitor: 45' / 55' / 65'/ 100' HD monitor display;
● Profits Income :Stable Revenue Process;
● Cabinet & Monitor: high quality cabinet & monitor;
Fishing Game Machine Features
1. Immersive characters graphic and 3D undersea background make players irresistible
2. Exciting mini gameplay and bonus increased the fun.
3. Easy operation and management
4. Compatible with key in/out credit, coin in/out, bill acceptor/ printer, card system, POS system, suitable for different locations and state law.
5. Get the profits easily and continually.
6. Stably math and software, high profit hold, easy to win back cost
How To Play
1.Put the coins into the fishing machine;
2.Press the start button, swirl the joystick, press fire buttom to catching fish;
3.You can change the grade of the power;
4.After you win, the machine will return the conins or tickets as the Scroe.
Hominggame-Professional manufacturer of Fishing Game Machine,Arcade Game Machine,Coin Operated Game Machine,Crane Machine,Amusement Park Game Equipment,ect.
Luam tawm 6 year ago
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