Luxury LED Toy Story Crane Claw Prize Game Machine - HomingGame
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2019 HomingGame Luxury Led Cabinet Toy Story Crane Claw Prize Game Machine (Order Call Whatspp:+8618688409495)
Play instruction:
1、Insert coins ,use joystick to control the wagon car to the suitable place;
2、Press grab button to get prize;
3、Wagon will return to home place and drop down the prize to player。
More information;
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Wechat,Whatsapp,mobile phone No►+8618688409495
#crane machine,#GameMachine,#ToyStoryCraneMachine,#ClawMachine,#arcade game machine,#coin operated game machine,#amusement machine,#hominggame,#gametube.hk,
Published 5 year ago
Category Video / Crane Machine
Tagsgame machine game machine price game machine for sale game machine supplier game machine manufacturer toy story crane machine game+machine toy+story+crane+machine crane+machine claw machine claw prize machine claw game machine prize vending machine vending machine luxury crane machine luxury led crane machine game machines arcade game machine coin operated game machine indoor game machine electrical game machine amusement machine amusement park game equipment game equipment slot game machine vending game prize vending game machine redemption game machine key master game machine barber cut prize game machine winner cube prize game machine key push prize game machine hominggame www.gametube.hk gametube.hk entertainment game machine amusement park game equipments catch plush prize game machine catcher crane machine coin operated crane machine coin operated claw machine